The kids and I have it through 2 dance recitals, violin concert, and Children’s Christmas program at church, vision therapy, tutoring, and Christmas parties all in the last week and all while Daddy has been in China. Being a single parent with two very active kids can be a challenge. On the other side of the planet John has been busy in Qingdao, meeting with music students, composing and being wined and dined by University dignitaries. He tells me he also had time to shop for a present for his smart wife who saved us $3000 in adoption fees during a 5 minute phone conversation recently.
I remember back when I was a kid that there was much discussion over new age phones where you would be able to see the caller while you were talking. I remember thinking how cool that would be; especially when talking with people from long distances that you don’t get the chance to see often. I thought of this as I was running to the car and heard the familiar ring tone of Skype. I am rushing to answer the phone and suddenly there is John’s face looking at me all the way from China. It is 2pm our time and 4am his. He is sitting comfortably in his hotel room with rumpled hair, looking a bit sleepy. We catch up on what has happened since the last conversation just the day before and then I run back to work and he patiently waits for the breakfast buffet to open up several hours later. Modern technology is wonderful.
Today is the day of last minute packing, an hour long massage, perhaps a pedicure, school Christmas parties, cleaning out the frig, playing with the puppies, paying last minute bills and cleaning the house. Maybe cleaning the house can wait; it will be low priority for me today. Last night Lily and I listened to the rain and wind. We were in a tornado watch until 2am and I told her that if the sirens go for, please remind Mommy to grab all the adoption paperwork before heading for the basement, we have come too far to see that all blow away! Luke slept through the storm in his usual fashion. Tobi slept on the end of the bed, shaking in fear, giving the bed an undercurrent vibration. It didn’t seem to bother me as I drifted off pretty quickly. This morning the wind is blowing strong but the rain has stopped. Chicago is in winter storm warning mode right up until 3am Friday. Our flight to Chicago is scheduled to leave Springfield at 7am. I am not going to worry about it at this point; somehow we will all make it to China. I have already warned the kids that our flights may not go as planned and to be prepared to spend some quality time at the airport. I will be packing plenty of snacks to take along to avoid the high prices of airport cuisine.
It is 5:30am and Luke is still sleeping! He is finally sleeping close to the 10 hours a night that he needs but how is traveling to China going to mess that up? Fast forward 14 hour time change during our journey and he will be completely mixed up. Lily and I will also be suffering from jet lag so Daddy will have to pitch in and help when he wakes up at 2am and wants to go play basketball.
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